Hi , I’m
Michelle Bazargan
In our automated world, regardless of profession or title, the top question everyone should ask is: “What awareness, choice, and knowledge will carry me forward?” Our most powerful skill still remains connection and creativity—the bold curiosity we had as children before programs, separation, and conformity took over. To thrive, we must re-connect with the person in the mirror.
From the moment we’re born, we are conditioned by schools, families, and workplaces. Over time, this conditioning shapes the energy we broadcast and the choices we make daily—often without our awareness. These autopilot responses become locked in our bodies, which is why we sometimes see adults react like teenagers. When we use all our energy to hide and mask who we truly are, out of fear of judgment or rejection, it leads to physical and mental pain and illness, anxiety, depression, burnout, and more. – Our body often sends signals when we are choosing what is not true for us, I teach you how to listen.
Each of us has the power to erase these ingrained programs, transcend the masks we wear, and unlock boundless possibilities. I help cultivate the awareness to boldly disrupt ourselves by uncovering unconscious beliefs that hide our authentic selves. Everything boils down to awareness, the power of choice, and the most important language we must re-learn: Energy!
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
– Rumi

” One of the most thought-provoking and proactive pieces of advice on the future of leadership. “
Those that have embraced connection and inclusive behaviors have witnessed an impressive ~170% surge in innovation, and have achieved a ~45% boost in profits. I empower you to become aware of blindspots and shed unconscious programs that limit capabilities.